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  • Sunday
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  • 2023

Peace Project VII – Enviro-Arts Fair

October 8, 2023 @12:00 pm - 3:00 pm



The Enviro-Arts Fair is free to the general public.

What is the Enviro-Arts Fair? 

The Enviro-Arts Fair will feature exhibitors from various organizations that will offer information about the environmental issues and science around water usage, water pollution and water conservation.  In addition there will be an opportunity for local schools, organizations and artistic collaborators for art-making activities, artistic exhibits, and on stage performances. 

When is Peace Project 7 Enviro-Arts Fair?

October 8th Noon – 3:00 p.m.

Where is the Enviro-Arts Fair? 

The Long Beach Arena

What is the Worth of Water?


This is before our Peace Project VII – “The Worth of Water” concert which you can get tickets for here.

Support LBCS

Donations from audience, friends, family, and those who love music ensure that this chorus remains a vibrant cultural asset for our community. Our music touches lives!